Monday, January 07, 2008


“But God is everything.” Annie says with certainty. He is your hair and the wind and the trees and the air. How could anyone hate God?” She asks, shoveling a spoon full of macaroni and cheese into her mouth.

“Well, I don’t know if he hates God, but he doesn’t believe in God and at the end of his books, they kill God.” Cadence answers, stirring her macaroni and cheese in circles. I realize they are discussing an author who is an atheist and whose books are dark fantasy. I hear her voicing my concerns.

“No one can kill God,” Annie continues, “He is everything.” I listen as a profound discussion of philosophy and faith is opened.

“Do you know what heaven looks like?” Annie asks through the macaroni in her mouth. “My mom thinks it’s like fields and grass and sunshine and blue sky but I don’t. I think the ground is clouds and everything is fluffy and white and God is a huge head but he’s not a man or woman.”

“It is white and clouds and fluffy, but also gold and shiny and God sits in a throne and there’s a golden path that leads to the throne where we all sit and sing praises to Him.” Cadence adds, as if she has seen it.

“Yeah.” Answers Annie, and then there is quiet.

“Did you know that birds are the closest creatures to God?” Cadence asks. “Because I think people come back after they die and live again and again until their souls are right, and then they become birds, and last they become angels. Then they live in heaven.”

Annie ponders the idea for a moment. “Aren’t monkeys the closest to humans?”

Not wanting to intervene but sensing confusion, I enter the conversation. “It is actually the Buddhist faith that believes the soul comes back to live many lives until they achieve enlightenment.” I tell them.

“Then I’m a Buddhist,” Cadence nods, “cause that’s what I believe.” She looks over to Annie, “People call me an old soul; that means I have lived a lot of lives already.”

“Actually, you’re a Christian.” I tell her.

“And a Buddhist.” She adds. “I’m both.”

“I’m Christian and Jewish.” Annie tells us. “But mostly I’m Jewish.”

“Well they’re very similar.” I tell her. “Jesus was Jewish and the Christian faith comes from there.”

“Except that the Jewish part doesn’t believe he was the savior.” She answers.

“Do you go to Temple or Church?” I ask.

“Mostly Temple,” Annie explains, “Except like on Christmas Eve and then we go to Church.”

I wonder to myself if that is not confusing; to have one half celebrating the part that the other half does not believe in. I look at them pondering faith over bowls of macaroni and cheese.

“Actually, they’re all pretty similar when it comes to the most important things, don’t you think?” I ask, trying to provide clarity.

“Yeah. The important things are God and Love.” Cadence summarizes.

“Yep, God and Love.” Annie confirms.

“Let’s go polish our nails!” They giggle, scooting out of the kitchen and up the stairs.

Absolute clarity; they have it all figured out


Carrie Wilson Link said...

Cadence can join our family, we're "both" too! Actually, we say we are "everything." She IS an old soul, that one, definitely! LOVE this post!

Kapuananiokalaniakea said...

The clarity with which a nine year old sees the world is truly amazing. God and love are as much a part of daily life as macaroni and nail polish; neither more important nor less.

Jenny said...

Very funny. I love it.

Kathi said...

I love this post. I am continually amazed at children of the recent generation.

Thanks a lot for your post on my blog, Nancy. I can always use the prayers and good wishes!

Michelle O'Neil said...

: )

Anonymous said...

This is as close to perfect as you can get. Love the way Candence looks at the world. Perfect clarity, total love.
This was so nice to read.

Deb Shucka said...

Great conversation! They sure do have amazing wisdom, these kids.